PVC Pro Drain Kit for Showers

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Pro Advanced Drain Kit PVC or ABS for Tiled Showers

Pro Advanced Drain Kit PVC or ABS for Tiled and Stone Showers
This Kit has been replaced by the improved PSC Gen II Drain kit
Available in your choice of ABS or PVC drain connection
Can be used with pre-sloped pans or mortar beds!
PVC Pro Drain Kit for Showers
Compare to Schluter Kerdi drain kits
A complete, easy to install
for maintenance-free waterproofed tiled showers.
(Note: Drain flange and covers may vary in design from picture)
This drain may be used with modified or unmodified thinset and waterproofing membranes such as Dural Durabase WP, ProVa-matte, Kerdi, etc. Like Schluter Kerdi drains, it features an integrated "fleece" for secure bonding to various brands of waterproofing membrane. It is fully compatible with pre-sloped ProVa and Schluter foam shower pans, or may be used with sloped mortar pans.
Waterproofing membrane such as Durabase WP, ProVa-Matte or Kerdi will be needed to complete waterproofing installation.
- The drain components required to build a fully bonded water tight assembly for tiled showers.
- Can be used with pre-sloped shower pans or installed mortar sloped pan floors.
- No waiting time between steps; tiles can be installed immediately
- Protects wall cavities against water and vapor penetrations.
- System can use modified thinset for better adhesion and elimination of failure possibilities.
- Install glass tiles with this system where unmodified thinset systems don't allow these materials.
- 1 PVC Shower Drain
- Your choice of grate
- 4 Inside Corners
- 2 Outside Corners
Grate Choices:
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General shipping InformationKeywords: barrier, ceramic, custom, drain, kd2-pvc, kd2-pvc-e, kerdi, kit, moisture, pro, prova, pvc, schluter, shower, showers, sytems, tile, waterproof, drains, square - round drains shower waterproofing systems, drain kits, pro-source center, Drain, Showers, Compare, Schluter, Kerdi, complete, install, DRAIN, SYSTEM, maintenance, waterproofed, tiled, flange, covers, design, picture
Description: PVC Pro Drain Kit for Showers. Compare to Schluter Kerdi drain kits. A complete, easy to install. DRAIN SYSTEM. for maintenance-free waterproofed tiled showers. (Note: Drain flange and covers may vary in design from picture).
Categories: Shower Waterproofing Systems > Drains > Drain Kits; Drains > Square & Round Drains
Google Category: Hardware > Plumbing > Drain Accessories
SKU(s): 156194, 156196, 156198, 156200