Pro Corners Inside Waterproofing 2 pk
Pro Corners Inside Waterproofing Set of 2
This product has been replaced by PSC Pro WP corners (yellow) which will ship in place of pictured product
For seaming adjoining sections of WP, ProVa-Matte, ProVa-Flex or any other polyethylene waterproofing membrane or underlayment
Set of 2 corners
- Waterproof seaming membrane pre-shaped inside corners
- Can be used to overlap and seam WP, ProVa-Matte waterproofing membrane or ProVa-Flex tile underlayment.
- System may use modified thinset for better adhesion and to help eliminate failure possibilities.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: barrier, ceramic, corner, corners, inside, kerdi, kerdi-shower-st, moisture, pro, prova, schluter, shower, showers, sytems, tile, waterproof, waterproofing, shower waterproofing systems, waterproofing membrane - accessories, waterproofing corners, pro-source center, Corners, Inside, Waterproofing, product, replaced, yellow, which, place, pictured, seaming, adjoining, sections, ProVa, Matte, other, polyethylene, membrane, underlayment
Description: Pro Corners Inside Waterproofing Set of 2. This product has been replaced by PSC Pro WP corners (yellow) which will ship in place of pictured product. For seaming adjoining sections of WP, ProVa-Matte, ProVa-Flex or any other polyethylene waterproofing membrane or underlayment. Set of 2 corners.
Categories: Shower Waterproofing Systems > Waterproofing Membrane & Accessories > Waterproofing Corners
Google Category: Hardware > Plumbing > Plumbing Fixtures > Shower > Shower Bases
SKU(s): 176648
MPN(s): TT8001RL82