Pro Advanced Drain Kit PVC or ABS for Tiled Showers

Pro Advanced Drain Kit PVC or ABS for Tiled Showers by Pro-Source Center


Pro Advanced Drain Kit PVC or ABS for Tiled and Stone Showers

This Kit has been replaced by the improved PSC Gen II Drain kit

Available in your choice of ABS or PVC drain connection

Can be used with pre-sloped pans or mortar beds!

Consider an alternative product

PSC Pro GEN II Tiled Shower Drain Kit

  • The Gen 2 system has more adjustment, more value in the contained components, and is easier to install then the Pro Advanced Gen 1 Drain system.

Pro Advanced Drain Kit

  • All the components required to build a fully bonded water tight drain assembly for tiled showers.
  • Includes the highest quality, most innovative and attractive drain system on the market.
  • Plastic Bead filler sets up super strong tile support around drain grate (set with acetone - not included).
  • Included 4 preshaped waterproofing corners for shower floor waterproofing.
  • System can work with many waterproofing membranes - the most popular is Dural Durabase WP.
  • System can use modified thinset for better adhesion and elimination of failure possibilities.
  • Install glass tiles with this system where unmodified thinset systems don't allow these materials.

Kit Includes:

  1. 1 Pro Advanced Drain in ABS or PVC with selection from 10 stunning grate cover choices
  2. 1 Grate Puller (Grate is screwless!) and 1 easily accessed integrated hair trap
  3. 4 Pre-formed Inside waterproofing membrane corners (color may vary)
  4. 1 Tube of waterproofing sealant for failsafe membrane to drain-flange bond


  • Grate size: 3 3/4" x 3 3/4"
  • Comes with grate puller to easily lift grate
  • Features screw-less design and accommodates integrated hair trap
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Polished Chrome E4401Polished Chrome
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Satin Gold E4402Satin Gold
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Black Chrome E4403Black Chrome
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Brushed Nickel E4404Brushed Nickel
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Antique Pewter E4405Antique Pewter
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Polished Copper E4406Polished Copper
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Oil Rubbed Bronze E4407Oil Rubbed Bronze
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Brushed Bronze E4408Brushed Bronze
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Polished Nickel E4409Polished Nickel
Waterproofing shower kit Drain Grate Cover color Satin Nickel E4410Satin Nickel

We highly recommend these products for your shower installation:

Seal your grout permanently and prevent mold or mildew from ever growing with: Grout Admix with Shield Technology Grout Admix with Shield Technology
Protect your existing tile and other hard surfaces with: Shield16oz img Shield Advanced Antimicrobial Complete System
Optional Curb Overlays: (ships in 2 sections) Noble curb overlay img Noble Curb Overlays (over 2 by 4s)

Optional 4' Solid Curb: (in 2 x 2' sections)

NobleSolidCurb img Noble Solid Shower Curb 4'

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