PSC Pro WP Outside Waterproofing Corners WPFX 2 ea

PSC Pro WP Outside Waterproofing Corners WPFX 2 ea by Pro-Source Center


PSC PRO WP - WPFX Outside Corners Pack of 2

Waterproof your shower, wall, and floors for tile installation

Tile adheres directly to fleece weave

Package of 2 Outside Corners

PSC PRO-WP Outside Corners

Waterproofing outside corner used to seal joints between two or three sections of PRO WP or DURABASE-CI membranes, where wall and floor/ceiling meet.

This item is sold quantities of 2. Each outside corner is sufficient to properly overlap and seal adjoining membranes and provides similar performance to other branded outside corners at a much lower cost of the entire system.

Much like other branded outside corners, PSC PRO-WP outside corners are used to seal membrane joints from section to section in corners of walls, floors and ceilings. Pre-cut lengths of PSC PRO-WP BAND seam strips are also available for adjoining butted sections and sections of walls, floors and ceilings.

Product Attributes

Watertight walls and floors increase the lifespan of tiled surfaces, brickwork and screed, indeed of buildings in their entirety.

Sealing of walls
PRO-WP is used as a sealing layer for tiled walls. PRO WP adheres firmly to a foundation and is easy to work with.

Sealing in regions subject to large quantities of moisture
Wherever moisture is present in greater amounts than is normal, PRO Wateproofing Product is able to prove its outstanding sealing properties at the junction of walls and floors with a tiled covering.

Creating tiled surfaces that are resistant to acid
When used with epoxy-resin adhesive and suitable tiles PSC PRO-WP can even be used to make floor surfaces that are resistant to acids, as specified for floors in the food industry, for example.

Use as a sealing strip
PSC WP can also be used as a sealing strip for junctions where DURABASE-CI or PRO-WP are being used. Other applications include the sealing of junctions between walls and floors. An appropriate sealing adhesive also allows PSC-WP to provide sealing of junctions between combinations of flooring materials.

In summary: PRO-WP remains supremely watertight
even at the weakest points.

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Product Instruction/Manual Files

[pdf] Durabase_WP_Installation.pdf
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