Norton Blue Magnet Micro Fiber Performance Cloth

Norton Blue Magnet Micro Fiber Performance Cloth
Norton Blue Magnet Micro-Fiber Cloth
16" x 16" cloth perfect for Liquid Ice system
Micro-fibers will not scratch surfaces
Package of 1 Cloth
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 04402, abrasives, blue, carborundum, cloth, fiber, magnet, micro, mirka, norton, performance, sia, polishing pads - compounds, microfiber cloths, norton abrasives, Norton, Magnet, Micro, Fiber, Performance, Cloth, perfect, Liquid, system, fibers, scratch, surfaces, Package
Description: Norton Blue Magnet Micro Fiber Performance Cloth. Norton Blue Magnet Micro-Fiber Cloth. 16" x 16" cloth perfect for Liquid Ice system. Micro-fibers will not scratch surfaces. Package of 1 Cloth.
Categories: Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > Microfiber Cloths
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care > Automotive Cleaning
SKU(s): 200504
MPN(s): 04402