Carborundum Medalist Hook and Loop Finishing Film Discs 6 Inch

Carborundum Medalist H&L Finishing Film Discs 6 Inch
6 Inch discs Hook and loop film backed discs
Creates a uniform finish
Package of 50 Discs
- Provides a smooth sanding substrate
- Defects are removed quickly
- Buff time is reduced
- Use with interface pad for best results
Available Grits
- 1500
- 1200
- 1000
- Interface Pad also available
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 1000, 1200, 1500, 201178, 42089, 47283, 47284, 47285, carborundum, discs, film, finishing, grit, hook, inch, interface, loop, medalist, mirka, norton, pad, scotchbrite, sia, abrasives, polishing pads - compounds, 6 inch, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Medalist, Finishing, Discs, backed, Creates, uniform, finish, Package
Description: Carborundum Medalist H&L Finishing Film Discs 6 Inch. 6 Inch discs Hook and loop film backed discs. Creates a uniform finish. Package of 50 Discs.
Categories: Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > 6 Inch
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care > Automotive Cleaning > Vehicle Waxes, Polishes & Protectants
SKU(s): 201178, 201179, 201180, 201181
MPN(s): 42089, 47283, 47284, 47285