Sia Siashine Finish Polish Compound Spray

Sia Siashine Finish Polish Compound Spray
Can be used for all makes of hard-wearing paint, directly after sanding
Long life sealing
Polishing and sealing in a single operation
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 0020-3616, 242332, abrasives, carborundum, compound, finish, gold, mercer, mirka, norton, polish, polishing, sia, siashine, spray, polishing pads - compounds, polishing compounds abrasives, scuffing pads - compounds, scuff gel, Siashine, Finish, Polish, Compound, Spray, makes, wearing, paint, directly, after, sanding, Hologram, sealing, Polishing, single, operation
Description: Sia Siashine Finish Polish Compound Spray. Can be used for all makes of hard-wearing paint, directly after sanding. Hologram-free. Long life sealing. Polishing and sealing in a single operation.
Categories: Abrasives > Polishing Pads & Compounds > Polishing Compounds; Abrasives > Scuffing Pads & Compounds > Scuff Gel
Google Category: Vehicles & Parts > Automotive Care > Automotive Cleaning > Vehicle Waxes, Polishes & Protectants
SKU(s): 242332
MPN(s): 0020.3616