Barwalt 71152 Premium Hardwood Float 4 x 12

Barwalt 71152 Premium Hardwood Float 4 x 12
- 4" x 12" Base and 1/2" Thick
- Seasoned Hardwood that will hold up difficult tasks
- Comfortable, well-shaped hardwood handle
- Useful tool to pack and screed dry-pack cement shower floors
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 81584, barwalt, ultra grouting system, grout kit, grout bucket, hand tools - equipment, trowels, floats, barwalt tools, Barwalt, 71152, Premium, Hardwood, Float, Thick, Seasoned, difficult, tasks, Comfortable, shaped, hardwood, handle, Useful, screed, cement, shower, floors
Description: Barwalt 71152 Premium Hardwood Float 4 x 12. 4" x 12" Base and 1/2" Thick. Seasoned Hardwood that will hold up difficult tasks. Comfortable, well-shaped hardwood handle. Useful tool to pack and screed dry-pack cement shower floors.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Floats
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Cutters > Tile & Shingle Cutters
SKU(s): 97817
MPN(s): 71152