Barwalt 81584 Ultra Grouting, Grout cleaning System Kit

Barwalt 81584 Ultra Grouting System Kit includes abrasive and non-abrasive scrub pads
- Includes Larger bucket, two cushion-gripped handles and grout sponges
- Abrasive and non-abrasive pads included
- Entire system redesigned based on user's feedback
- Handles use industrial velcro for quick sponge changes
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 81584, barwalt, ultra grouting system, grout kit, grout, bucket, cleaning, system, clean, cleaner, hand tools - equipment, cleaning tools, sponges hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile installation kits hand tools - equipment, trowels, foam trowels, barwalt tools, Barwalt, Ultra, Grouting, System, includes, abrasive, scrub, Includes, Larger, cushion, gripped, handles, sponges, Abrasive, included, Entire, redesigned, based, feedback, Handles, industrial, velcro, quick, sponge, changes
Description: Barwalt 81584 Ultra Grouting System Kit includes abrasive and non-abrasive scrub pads. Includes Larger bucket, two cushion-gripped handles and grout sponges. Abrasive and non-abrasive pads included. Entire system redesigned based on user's feedback. Handles use industrial velcro for quick sponge changes.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Foam Trowels; Hand Tools & Equipment > Cleaning Tools > Sponges; Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Installation Kits
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Cutters > Tile & Shingle Cutters
SKU(s): 97980
MPN(s): 81584