Rubi Tungsten Carbide Widia Nippers

Rubi Tungsten Carbide Widia Nippers
- Porcelain Tile Nipper that are Heat Treated
- Nibble Tile into Shape with this Tool's Scissor-Style Tungsten Carbide Tip Blades
- Scissor Action Makes it Easier to cut Hard Ceramic Dinnerware
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: carbide, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile nippers, rubi, Tungsten, Carbide, Widia, Nippers, Porcelain, Nipper, Treated, Nibble, Shape, Scissor, Style, Blades, Action, Makes, Easier, Ceramic, Dinnerware, Quantity
Description: Rubi Tungsten Carbide Widia Nippers . Porcelain Tile Nipper that are Heat Treated. Nibble Tile into Shape with this Tool's Scissor-Style Tungsten Carbide Tip Blades. Scissor Action Makes it Easier to cut Hard Ceramic Dinnerware. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Nippers
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Cutters > Tile & Shingle Cutters
SKU(s): 261091
MPN(s): 65925