Rubi Russian Nipper

Rubi Russian Nippers
- Equipped with Tungsten Carbon Scoring Wheels with Titanium Surface
- Rolls can be Repositioned when their Vortex Start Getting Worn
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference RUSSIAN NIPPERS 8.3/4" (220 mm.) 71971 RUSSIAN NIPPERS 10" (250 mm.) 71972
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General shipping InformationKeywords: carbon, tungsten, nipper, russian, rubi, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile nippers, Russian, Nippers, Equipped, Tungsten, Carbon, Scoring, Wheels, Titanium, Surface, Rolls, Repositioned, their, Vortex, Start, Getting, Quantity
Description: Rubi Russian Nippers. Equipped with Tungsten Carbon Scoring Wheels with Titanium Surface. Rolls can be Repositioned when their Vortex Start Getting Worn. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Nippers
Google Category: Hardware > Flooring > Stone Flooring > Tile Flooring
SKU(s): 261088, 261089
MPN(s): 71971, 71972