Bosch Bowl and Sink Trim Bits

Bosch Bowl and Sink Trim Bits
- For sink cutouts
- 85702M creates rough cutout with 1/16" margin
- 85701M creates flush finished cut
Bosch Bowl and Sink Trim Bits
- Distinguished for their careful selection of materials, exactly calculated cutting geometry, long bit life, extra sharp cutting edges and low vibration
- More than 500 items in solid carbide, carbide tipped and high speed steel varieties
A. Overall Diameter B. Cutting Edge Length C. Shank Diameter D. Overall Length E. Small Diameter Part Number 3/4" 1" 1/2" 3-1/2" 0 degree - flush trim 85701M 3-1/4" 10 degree - 1/16" overhang 85702M
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, power tools, router bits, bowl bits power tools, flush trim, bosch, Bosch, cutouts, 85702M, creates, rough, cutout, margin, 85701M, flush, finished
Description: Bosch Bowl and Sink Trim Bits. For sink cutouts. 85702M creates rough cutout with 1/16" margin. 85701M creates flush finished cut.
Categories: Power Tools > Router Bits > Bowl Bits; Power Tools > Router Bits > Flush Trim
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 250551, 250552
MPN(s): 85701M, 85702M