Velepec Solid Surface Countertop Trimmer and Grooving Router Bit

Velepec Solid Surface Countertop Trimmer and Grooving Router Bit
Carbide Tipped
When used in a router mounted on "skis," can trim excess adhesive squeezed out on a solid surface countertop
Can also be used as a spline groover for routing a 1/4" wide slot
Comp Number Shank Diameter Wings 30-450 1/2" 6
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 30-450, adhesive, bit, carbide, countertop, grooving, router, solid, surface, tipped, trimmer, velepec, power tools, router bits, Velepec, Solid, Surface, Countertop, Trimmer, Grooving, Router, Carbide, Tipped, mounted, excess, squeezed, spline, groover, routing
Description: Velepec Solid Surface Countertop Trimmer and Grooving Router Bit. Carbide Tipped. When used in a router mounted on "skis," can trim excess adhesive squeezed out on a solid surface countertop. Can also be used as a spline groover for routing a 1/4" wide slot.
Categories: Power Tools > Router Bits > Countertop
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Drill Accessories > Drill Bits
SKU(s): 199780
MPN(s): 30-450