Bosch TI4013 Titanium Coated Drill Bit 13 Piece Set

Bosch TI4013 Titanium Coated Drill Bit 13 Piece Set
- Bosch titanium drill bits offer the best durability and speed for general purpose drilling applications
- Best for cutting holes into metal
Bosch TI4013 Titanium Coated Drill Bit 13 Piece Set
- Work equally well in wood and plastic drilling
- Use in steel, copper, aluminum, brass, oak, maple, MDF, pine, PVC, polycarbonate, acrylic, ABS, nylon, composite materials and common stainless steel
- Fractional jobber length 1/16" to 1/4" by 64ths in metal index
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General shipping InformationKeywords: quality, german, power tools, drill bits - hole saws, bit kits - sets power tools, twist drill bits, bosch, Bosch, TI4013, Titanium, Coated, Drill, Piece, titanium, drill, offer, durability, speed, general, purpose, drilling, applications, cutting, holes, metal
Description: Bosch TI4013 Titanium Coated Drill Bit 13 Piece Set. Bosch titanium drill bits offer the best durability and speed for general purpose drilling applications. Best for cutting holes into metal. 13 Piece Set.
Categories: Power Tools > Drill Bits & Hole Saws > Bit Kits & Sets; Power Tools > Drill Bits & Hole Saws > Twist Drill Bits
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 253585
MPN(s): TI4013