QEP 10008 Ceramic Rod Saw and Drill Bit Kit 6 Inch

QEP 10008 6" Ceramic Rod Saw & Drill Bit Kit
Versatile kit cuts irregular shapes and circles from the center of tiles
Kit includes a 6" tungsten carbide blade and carbide tipped drill bit
Replacement Blade: 10030
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10008, 172105, bit, ceramic, circle, cut, drill, inch, kit, qep, rod, saw, saws, shape, tools, hand tools - equipment, Ceramic, Drill, Versatile, irregular, shapes, circles, center, tiles, includes, tungsten, carbide, blade, tipped, Replacement, Blade, 10030
Description: QEP 10008 6" Ceramic Rod Saw & Drill Bit Kit <br />. Versatile kit cuts irregular shapes and circles from the center of tiles. Kit includes a 6" tungsten carbide blade and carbide tipped drill bit. Replacement Blade: 10030.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Saws
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Saws
SKU(s): 172105
MPN(s): 10008