Sia 2828 Conical Siaflap Disc 4 1/2 Inch

Sia 2828 4-1/2" x 7/8" T-29 Conical Siaflap Disc
Premium closed coat blue zirconia flap discs
Backing of non-flexible consumable fiberglass with a conical Type 29 face
Box of 10
Sia 2828 4-1/2" x 7/8" T-29 Conical Siaflap Disc
- Robot compatible
- Very high removal rate
- Very long lifetime
- Even grinding pattern through to complete wearout
- Rough grinding
- Deburring
- Dressing of welding seams
- Preparation of welding joints
- Smooth grinding of joints
Available Grits
- 40
- 60
- 80
- 120
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 0020-4591, 0020-4592, 0020-4593, 0020-4594, 1-2, 2828, abrasives, conical, disc, discs, flap, inch, sia, siaflap, flap discs, 4-1-2 inch, Conical, Siaflap, Premium, closed, zirconia, Backing, flexible, consumable, fiberglass
Description: Sia 2828 4-1/2" x 7/8" T-29 Conical Siaflap Disc. Premium closed coat blue zirconia flap discs. Backing of non-flexible consumable fiberglass with a conical Type 29 face. Box of 10.
Categories: Abrasives > Flap Discs > 4-1/2 Inch
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 245599, 245600, 245601, 245602
MPN(s): 0020.4591, 0020.4592, 0020.4593, 20.4594