QEP Brutus 13000 Tile Cutter 13 Inch

This product has been replaced by the following product:
QEP Brutus 13000 13" Tile Cutter
Cuts wall and floor tile up to 13", 10" diagonally, 1/2" thick
Dual chrome-plated steel rails ensure easy movement
QEP Brutus 13000 13" Tile Cutter
- Padded die cast aluminum alloy base is lightweight but durable
- Adjustable rip guide with U.S. standard and metric measurements makes multiple rip and angle cuts easier and faster
- Equipped with two replaceable 7/8" titanium-coated tungsten carbide cutting wheels
- Unique comfort grip handle with removable tip for storage of extra cutting wheels
- Removable tip for storing the extra cutting wheel (included)
- Replacement cutting wheels: 10117 7/8" Titanium-Coated Tungsten Carbide Cutting Wheel or 10119 7/8" Tungsten Carbide Cutting Wheel
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 13000, 172158, brutus, cutter, cutters, inch, qep, tile, tools, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, tile cutters, Brutus, Cutter, floor, diagonally, thick, chrome, plated, steel, rails, ensure, movement
Description: QEP Brutus 13000 13" Tile Cutter. Cuts wall and floor tile up to 13", 10" diagonally, 1/2" thick. Dual chrome-plated steel rails ensure easy movement.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Tile Cutters
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Cutters > Tile & Shingle Cutters
SKU(s): 172158
MPN(s): 13000