QEP 10012 Professional Carbide Grout Saw

QEP 10012 Professional Carbide Grout Saw
For stripping, cleaning and removing old grout with ease
For grout joint 1/16 inch or wider
- Equipped with 1 carbide grit-edge and 1 steel tooth blade
- Use 2 blades for floor grout removal, 1 blade for walls
- Replacement Blade Set: 10025 (1 grit edge/1 steel)
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10012, 172106, carbide, grout, professional, qep, saw, saws, tools, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, grout - mortar tools, Professional, Carbide, Grout, stripping, cleaning, removing, joint, wider
Description: QEP 10012 Professional Carbide Grout Saw. For stripping, cleaning and removing old grout with ease. For grout joint 1/16 inch or wider.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Grout & Mortar Tools
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Saws
SKU(s): 172106
MPN(s): 10012