Carborundum Premier Red Cut-Off Wheels

Carborundum Premier Red Cut-Off Wheels
Cool, easy, free-cutting of sheet metal
Premier Red Aluminum Zirconia
Package of 5
Carborundum Premier Red Zirconia Cut-Off Wheel
- Heavy-duty cutting of muffler clamps, bolts and steel rods up to 3/4" thick
- Spot weld grinding
- Do not use on tool without a guard
Available Grits
- 60
- 36
- 36
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 03861, 03863, 04270, 201259, 201260, 201261, abrasives, carborundum, cut-off, cutting, grinding, premier, red, wheels, cut off wheels, carborundum abrasives, Carborundum, Premier, Wheels, sheet, metal, Aluminum, Zirconia, Package
Description: Carborundum Premier Red Cut-Off Wheels. Cool, easy, free-cutting of sheet metal. Premier Red Aluminum Zirconia. Package of 5.
Categories: Abrasives > Cut Off Wheels
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 201291, 201292, 201293
MPN(s): 3861, 3863, 4270