Norton Gemini Reinforced Chop Saw Wheels

Norton Gemini Reinforced Chop Saw Wheels
14" Rapid Cut wheels or 16" Long Life wheels
7/64" x 1" center hole
Use Long Life wheels (3820 RPM) on small cross section workpieces
Use Rapid Cut wheels (4365 RPM) on hard-to-cut materials and on older, low horsepower machines
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10198, 13588, abrasives, carborundum, chop, gemini, mirka, norton, reinforced, saw, sia, wheels, cut off wheels, norton abrasives, Norton, Gemini, Reinforced, Wheels, Rapid, center, small, cross, section, workpieces, materials, older, horsepower, machines
Description: Norton Gemini Reinforced Chop Saw Wheels. 14" Rapid Cut wheels or 16" Long Life wheels. 7/64" x 1" center hole. Use Long Life wheels (3820 RPM) on small cross section workpieces. Use Rapid Cut wheels (4365 RPM) on hard-to-cut materials and on older, low horsepower machines.
Categories: Abrasives > Cut Off Wheels
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 200724, 200725
MPN(s): 10198, 13588