Sia Siaspeed PSA Tab Discs 5 Inch Grits 80 - 600

Sia Siaspeed PSA Tab Discs 5 Inch Grits 80 - 600
- SIA Abrasives 5 Inch Sticky Tabbed PSA Discs
- Grits 80 - 600
- Box of 100 Discs
- Swiss Made
Sia 1950 Siaspeed PSA Discs
- Grain: Semi-friable Aluminum Oxide
- High-performance sanding mineral ensures very high removal rate and long life
- New stearate concept reduces loading
- Consistent, uniform finish
- Sanding of filler compound, polyester substrates, wood, metal, solid surfaces, composites and automotive finishes
- Shaping of primer filler
- Producing a matte finish on lacquers
- Smoothing of transitions, sanding out of rust spots and stone chips
- Keying of new parts/factory primer
- Siaspeed PSA Discs are also available in link rolls
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 100, 120, 150, 180, 1950, 220, 240, 320, 400, 500, 600, 8777-2883-0080, 8777-2883-0100, 8777-2883-0120, 8777-2883-0150, 8777-2883-0180, 8777-2883-0220, 8777-2883-0240, 8777-2883-0320, 8777-2883-0400, 8777-2883-0500, 8777-2883-0600, discs, grit, gri, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, psa sanding discs, 05 inch discs, sia, Siaspeed, Discs, Grits, Abrasives, Sticky, Tabbed, Swiss
Description: Sia Siaspeed PSA Tab Discs 5 Inch Grits 80 - 600. SIA Abrasives 5 Inch Sticky Tabbed PSA Discs. Grits 80 - 600. Box of 100 Discs. Swiss Made.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > PSA Sanding Discs > 05 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 219444, 219457, 219458, 219459, 219460, 219461, 219462, 219463, 219464, 219465, 219466, 244524
MPN(s): 8777.2883.0080, 8777.2883.0100, 8777.2883.0120, 8777.2883.0150, 8777.2883.0180, 8777.2883.0220, 8777.2883.0240, 8777.2883.0280, 8777.2883.0320, 8777.2883.0400, 8777.2883.0500, 8777.2883.0600