Norton BlueMag PSA 5 Inch Discs Grits 36 - 80

Norton BlueMag PSA 5 Inch Discs Grits 36 - 80
5" BlueMag Sticky PSA Discs
Durable E-Weight Latex/Paper Backing
Package of 50
BlueMag PSA Discs Features
- High strength blue latex improves performance and paper backing flexibility and reduces curling and edge chipping
- NorZon zirconia alumina grain is self-sharpening, extends product life, and minimizes heat
- Proven coating technique improves cut rate and provides a more consistent, uniform scratch pattern
- Superior bond system optimizes grain adhesion and extends product life
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 66261125244, abrasive, blue, bluemag, discs, disks, grit, grits, inch, mercer, mirka, psa, sander, sanding, sandpaper, weight, abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, psa sanding discs, 05 inch discs, norton abrasives, Norton, BlueMag, Discs, Grits, Sticky, Durable, Weight, Latex, Paper, Backing, Package
Description: Norton BlueMag PSA 5 Inch Discs Grits 36 - 80. 5" BlueMag Sticky PSA Discs. Durable E-Weight Latex/Paper Backing. Package of 50.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > PSA Sanding Discs > 05 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 199889, 199890, 199891
MPN(s): 66261125244, 66261125307, 66261125436