Roberts 10-260 Deluxe Grip Pouch

Roberts 10-260 Deluxe Grip Pouch
Holds tools firmly in place
Special leather insert grips
Professionally constructed
100% leather and double stitching
Slotted to fit directly on the belt
7-1/2 Inch x 4-1/2 inch x 3/4 inch
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10-260, accessories, deluxe, grip, installation, knife, leather, pouch, roberts, tool, tools, hand tools - equipment, tool pouches, Roberts, Deluxe, Pouch, Holds, firmly, place, Special, insert, grips, Professionally, constructed, double, stitching, Slotted, directly
Description: Roberts 10-260 Deluxe Grip Pouch. Holds tools firmly in place. Special leather insert grips. Professionally constructed. 100% leather and double stitching. Slotted to fit directly on the belt.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Accessories > Tool Pouches
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172910
MPN(s): 10-260