Mirka 5 Inch MR5SGVC Self Generated Vacuum Conversion Kit for MR-5

Mirka 5" MR5SGVC Self Generated Vacuum Conversion Kit for MR-5 Sander
- This kit converts a standard Mirka 5" air sander to a self-generating vacuum sander.
- Contains: Shroud, dust pickup tube, vacuum hose, air hose, and bag.
- (Vacuum backup pad sold separately.)
Mirka 5" MR5SGVC
Each model-specific kit is designed to convert non-vacuum random orbital sanders to self-generating vacuum operation. Kits contain a SuperVAC Shroud, CV Swivel Exhaust Assembly, Hose, Bag and 1 Paper liner.
Vacuum backing pads are sold separately. A Mirka 5" 915GV is recommended.
A vacuum conversion in conjunction with Mirka's Autonet can offer virtually dust-free sanding - improving not only the quality of your work environment but reduce the chance of marring your work surface with pilled and collected dust.
(Hint on installation of vacuum shroud - soak in very hot water to soften and ease installation onto sander body.)
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General shipping InformationKeywords: mirka, abrasives, sanding, conversion, finish, finishing, generated, kit, mr-5, mr-series, mr5sgvc, orbit, random, sander, sanders, self, tool, tools, vacuum, power tools, accessories, sander accessories, sander vacuum accessories, mirka abrasives, Mirka, MR5SGVC, Generated, Vacuum, Conversion, Sander, converts, standard, generating, Contains, Shroud, pickup, backup, separately
Description: Mirka 5" MR5SGVC Self Generated Vacuum Conversion Kit for MR-5 Sander. This kit converts a standard Mirka 5" air sander to a self-generating vacuum sander. Contains: Shroud, dust pickup tube, vacuum hose, air hose, and bag. (Vacuum backup pad sold separately.).
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Sander Accessories > Sander Vacuum Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sanders
SKU(s): 162823