Dremel MM80W Bulk Pack, 60, 120 and 240 Grit Sand Paper - Wood

Dremel MM80W Bulk Pack, 60, 120 and 240 Grit Sand Paper - Wood
- Use 60 grit for rough wood or metal sanding, and rust or old finish removal
- Use 120 grit for general wood or metal sanding
- Use 240 grit for final finishing of wood, metal, plaster and other surfaces
- 18 pieces per pack
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General shipping InformationKeywords: dremel, mm80w, sand, paper, wood, sanding, power tools, multipurpose tools, oscillating multi-tools, Dremel, MM80W, Paper, rough, metal, finish, removal, general, final, finishing, plaster, other, surfaces, pieces
Description: Dremel MM80W Bulk Pack, 60, 120 and 240 Grit Sand Paper - Wood. Use 60 grit for rough wood or metal sanding, and rust or old finish removal. Use 120 grit for general wood or metal sanding. Use 240 grit for final finishing of wood, metal, plaster and other surfaces. 18 pieces per pack.
Categories: Power Tools > Multipurpose Tools > Oscillating Multi-Tools
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 254439
MPN(s): 120