Roberts 10-412K Knee Kicker Deluxe Adjustable With Case

Roberts 10-412 Knee Kicker Deluxe Adjustable with Case
- The 10-412 Deluxe Knee Kicker is Roberts' most popular knee kicker and has been the "industry standard" for over 25 years
- Trigger assembly easily adjusts the length from 17 in to 21 in
- Includes Custom Molded Carrying Case
Roberts 10-412 Knee Kicker Deluxe Adjustable with Case
- Superior die cast aluminum body is lightweight and durable
- Exclusive non-slip checkered hand grip
- Foam-filled seamless bumper pad for extra comfort
- Easy to read, easy to adjust pin depth dial
- Center grooved head for adjusting power stretcher head
- Polished Aluminum Finish
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 10-412k, adjustable, carpet, case, deluxe, kicker, knee, roberts, stretching, tool, hand tools - equipment, carpet tools, knee kickers, Roberts, Kicker, Deluxe, Adjustable, popular, industry, standard, years, Trigger, assembly, easily, adjusts, length, Includes, Custom, Molded, Carrying
Description: Roberts 10-412 Knee Kicker Deluxe Adjustable with Case. The 10-412 Deluxe Knee Kicker is Roberts' most popular knee kicker and has been the "industry standard" for over 25 years. Trigger assembly easily adjusts the length from 17 in to 21 in. Includes Custom Molded Carrying Case.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Carpet Tools > Knee Kickers
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 172927, 172930
MPN(s): 10-412BKK, 10-412K