Mirka DEROS 650X CV 6 Inch Electric Sander

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Advanced Electric Sander 6" 3/16" Orbit LP CV for HL Pad AE-061136
Air Vantage AE-0611362 6 Inch 3/16 Inch Orbit Low Profile Central Vacuum for Hook and Loop Sander
- Advanced Series Electric Sander
- Integrated Electronics for No External Power Source
- Quiet Smooth and Intelligently Powerful
- Superior Performance
- Light Weight
- Patented Fan Blade Technology
Mirka MID65020CAUS Deros Electric sander 6 inch 3/16 inch Orbit Central Vacuum
- Mirka Deros 6 inch electric sander.
- Reddot award 2014
- Superior Performance.
- Light Weight
- Includes a 2 + 1 Year Warranty
- Bruhsless motor
Mirka DEROS 6 Inch 650X CV Electric Random Orbital Sander
Finally the first ever electric sanding machine with a brush-less motor and NO external power supply. The main voltage for the DEROS 650X is 100V-120V. It is one of the lightest electric machines on the market. This sander was methodically engineered to perfection to insure that it is one of the best sanders in the market. Not only is the DEROS small and compact but it is also extremely powerful for its size. This award winning sander also comes with a very unique and sleek case that would make any sander enthusiast excited to see.
- Patented motor controller
- Improved backing pad, for an outstanding dust removal
- Vibration reduction system, minimizes the vibrations for your main application
- Electric brake of motor and pad brake, for easy and safe usage
- Constant speed under load, no loss in efficiency under heavy pressure
- Separate on/off switch, for easy and safe handling
- Symmetrical machine so it is easy to switch between right and left hand
- Longer body enables optional two-hand grip
- Sander with dust shroud
- Hook and Loop back up pad
- Power cord
- Abrasive Assortment
- Systainer 3
Technical Specifications
Power Input 350 W Main Voltage 110-120 V DC Voltage to Sander 22 VDC Speed 4,000-10,000 RPM Noise Level 71 dB Orbit 3/16" (5 mm) Size of Backing Pad 6 inch (150 mm) Weight 2.2 lbs (1 kg) Pad (Mirkacode) 8292605011 Packaging Plastic Case
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General shipping InformationKeywords: mid65020caus, abrasive, abrasives, brushless, ceros, electric, mirka, orbital, random, sander, sanding, red, dot, award, winning, power tools, sanders, random orbital sanders, 6- diameter, mirka abrasives, Mirka, MID65020CAUS, Deros, Electric, Orbit, Central, Vacuum, Reddot, Superior, Performance, Light, Weight, Includes, Warranty, Bruhsless, motor
Description: Mirka MID65020CAUS Deros Electric sander 6 inch 3/16 inch Orbit Central Vacuum. Mirka Deros 6 inch electric sander. Reddot award 2014. Superior Performance. Light Weight. Includes a 2 + 1 Year Warranty. Bruhsless motor.
Categories: Power Tools > Sanders > Random Orbital Sanders > 6" Diameter
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sanders
SKU(s): 269602
MPN(s): 650X CV