Mercer 8" x 19" Clarke Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belt box of 10 Ea

Mercer 8" x 19" Clarke Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belt box of 10 Belts
Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belts
Available in 16 - 100 Grits
All grits feature extra heavy 'X-weight' cloth backing sanding Belts.
Sharp cutting Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belts. spliced taped for bi-directional sanding, works on Hummel & Clarke floor sanders, In a wide range of grits.
Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belts
Available in 16, 24, 36, 40, 50, 60, 80, and 100 grits.
All grits feature extra heavy 'X-weight' cloth backing.
Sharp cutting is what you can count on from Mercer's Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belts. Butt spliced and taped for bi-directional sanding our carbide sanding belt works on Hummel & Clarke sanders and come in a wide range of grits.
- Silicon Carbide grain
- Full resin bond
- Butt-tape joint for bi-directional sanding
- Extra heavy X-weight cloth backing
- Sharp and aggressive cut
- High tensile strength
- Fast stock removal
- Refinishing and leveling wood floor surfaces
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General shipping InformationKeywords: flooring, mercer, sia, abrasive, belt, carbide, clarke, cloth, floor, hardwood, hole, pad, premium, sander, sanding, silicon, abrasives, sanding belts, 6 to 14 inch wide, mercer abrasives, Mercer, Clarke, Silicon, Carbide, Floor, Sanding, Belts, Available, Grits, grits, feature, extra, heavy, weight, backing, Sharp, cutting, spliced, taped, directional, works, Hummel, sanders, range
Description: Mercer 8" x 19" Clarke Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belt box of 10 Belts. Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belts. Available in 16 - 100 Grits. All grits feature extra heavy 'X-weight' cloth backing sanding Belts. Sharp cutting Silicon Carbide Floor Sanding Belts. spliced taped for bi-directional sanding, works on Hummel & Clarke floor sanders, In a wide range of grits.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding Belts > 6 To 14 inch Wide
Google Category: Business & Industrial > Manufacturing
SKU(s): 178442, 178443, 178444, 178445, 178446, 178447, 178448, 178449
MPN(s): 436819016, 436819024, 436819036, 436819040, 436819050, 436819060, 436819080, 436819100