Rubi 68999 Extra Large Grouting Sponge 7.5 x 5.5 x 2 Inches

Rubi 68999 Extra Large Grouting Sponge 7.5 x 5.5 x 2 Inches
- Hydrophilic - holds a large volume of water
- Variable sized pores for more effective cleaning
- Durable polyurethane
- Preferred by professional tile setters
Rubi Tools 68999 Extra Large Grouting Sponge 7-1/2" x 5-1/2" x 2"*
- Designed to make grout cleaning easy
- Rounded Edges - less chance of disturbing grout lines
- Variable sized pores for better cleaning and large water-holding capacity
- Durable polyurethane - won't fall apart even if left in bucket of water overnight
- Highly absorbent
- Multi purpose - can be used for grouting or many other tasks
- Preferred over many other brands
- One High-quality Rubi 68999 Extra Large Grouting Sponge
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General shipping InformationKeywords: rubi, 68999, sponge, grout cleaning, grout, tile, ceramic, stone, hydrophilic, hand tools - equipment, accessories, cleaning tool accessories hand tools - equipment, trowel accessories hand tools - equipment, cleaning tools, sponges hand tools - equipment, trays hand tools - equipment, tile tools, grout - mortar tools hand tools - equipment, trowels, floats, Extra, Large, Grouting, Sponge, Inches, Hydrophilic, holds, large, volume, water, Variable, sized, pores, effective, cleaning, Durable, polyurethane, Preferred, professional, setters
Description: Rubi 68999 Extra Large Grouting Sponge 7.5 x 5.5 x 2 Inches. Hydrophilic - holds a large volume of water. Variable sized pores for more effective cleaning. Durable polyurethane. Preferred by professional tile setters.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Accessories > Cleaning Tool Accessories; Hand Tools & Equipment > Trowels > Floats; Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Grout & Mortar Tools; Hand Tools & Equipment > Cleaning Tools > Sponges; Hand Tools & Equipment > Cleaning Tools > Trays; Hand Tools & Equipment > Accessories > Trowel Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 271422
MPN(s): 68999