Square Edge Tile Trim Mirror Stainless Steel Corner

Corner for Great Lakes Square Edge Tile Edge Protection and Transition Trim - Mirror Stainless Steel
- Inside corner for Great Lakes Mirror Stainless Steel Square Edge Trim
- Available in same sizes as the trim
Color / Finish Product number Inches Millimeters Stainless Steel Mirror GLM- CSESS80 5/16 8 Stainless Steel Mirror GLM- CSESS100 3/8 10 Stainless Steel Mirror GLM- CSESS120 1/2 12
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General shipping InformationKeywords: schluter, great lakes, quadec, square edge, edge protection, tile trim, stainless steel square edge, stainless steel tile edge, corner piece, flooring trim - underlayment, tile edge profiles, accessories, tiles-r-us, Corner, Great, Lakes, Square, Protection, Transition, Mirror, Stainless, Steel, Inside, corner, Available, sizes
Description: Corner for Great Lakes Square Edge Tile Edge Protection and Transition Trim - Mirror Stainless Steel. Inside corner for Great Lakes Mirror Stainless Steel Square Edge Trim. Available in same sizes as the trim.
Categories: Tile Edge Profiles > Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Flooring > Stone Flooring > Tile Flooring
SKU(s): 271610, 271611, 271612