TVA Superpro
Recommended blade for cutting hard materials such as granite, rustic tiles, clinker, refractory.
- Recommended blade for cutting hard materials such as granite, rustic tiles, clinker, refractory, slate and porcelain tile.
- The specific design of the diamond band offers greater speed of cutting harder materials without sacrificing finish quality.
- Market knowledge and hard work allow RUBI to offer the building professional the TURBO VIPER – TVA diamond blade.
- The TURBO VIPER – TVA diamond blade is recommended for dry cutting of hard materials such as granite, rustic tiles, klinker, refractories, slate and, of course, porcelain tiles.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: saw, dry cut, diamond blade, hand tools - equipment, rubi, Recommended, blade, cutting, materials, granite, rustic, tiles, clinker, refractory, Overview, slate, porcelain, specific, design, diamond, offers, greater, speed, harder, without, sacrificing, finish, quality
Description: Recommended blade for cutting hard materials such as granite, rustic tiles, clinker, refractory.. Overview. Recommended blade for cutting hard materials such as granite, rustic tiles, clinker, refractory, slate and porcelain tile. The specific design of the diamond band offers greater speed of cutting harder materials without sacrificing finish quality.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Tool Blades > Saw Blades
SKU(s): 270333, 270334, 270335, 270336
MPN(s): 31932, 31933, 31934, 31935