Loxcreen 7204 12-14 mm MDF Cork Stair Edge Molding

Loxcreen 7204 MDF Stair Edge Molding with Cork Finish
- Finishes edge of laminate/wood flooring at stairs
- To be used with 12mm-14mm floors
- Sold per 8 ft piece
Loxcreen MDF Wood Grain Mouldings 7204
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General shipping InformationKeywords: 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, laminate, wood, floating, floor, finish, edge, stair, stairs, moulding, cork, flooring trim - underlayment, hardwood - laminate - vents, trim, loxcreen, Loxcreen, Stair, Molding, Finish, Finishes, flooring, floors, piece
Description: Loxcreen 7204 MDF Stair Edge Molding with Cork Finish. Finishes edge of laminate/wood flooring at stairs. To be used with 12mm-14mm floors. Sold per 8 ft piece.
Categories: Hardwood / Laminate / Vents > Trim
Google Category: Hardware > Flooring > Hardwood Flooring
SKU(s): 175005, 175006, 175007, 175008, 175009
MPN(s): 7204