Dremel A679-02 Sharpening Kit

Dremel A679-02 Sharpening Kit for Dremel Rotary Tools
- Lawn mower guide provides optimal sharpening angle for all lawn mower blades
- Easily sharpen dull, slow-cutting chain saw blades
A679-02 Sharpening Kit
Three Attachments. The Dremel Chain Saw Sharpener, Lawn Mower Sharpener, And Garden Tool Sharpener Are Included Together In One Kit For Your Convenience. Instructions Included.
- Garden tool sharpening attachment
- Lawn mower sharpening attachment
- Chain saw sharpening attachment
- Gauge
- Spacers
- Instruction Manual
- Wrench
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General shipping InformationKeywords: accessory, attachment, sharp, sharpen, grinding, cutting, rotary, versatile, routing, drilling, sanding, drill, cut, carve, carving, shaping, hollowing, grooving, slotting, inlaying, 453, 454, 455, 932, stones, power tools, accessories, multi-purpose tool accessories, dremel rotary, accessory kits power tools, attachments, dremel, Dremel, Sharpening, Rotary, Tools, mower, guide, provides, optimal, sharpening, angle, blades, Easily, chain, Guide, helps, restore, garden, tools, shears, shovels, screws, place, housing
Description: Dremel A679-02 Sharpening Kit for Dremel Rotary Tools. Lawn mower guide provides optimal sharpening angle for all lawn mower blades. Easily sharpen dull, slow-cutting chain saw blades. Guide helps restore edge on garden tools such as shears, hoes, and shovels. Easily screws on to your rotary tool in place of the tool's housing cap.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Accessory Kits; Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Attachments
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sharpeners
SKU(s): 254219
MPN(s): A679-02