Dremel 565 Multipurpose Cutting Kit

Dremel 565 Multipurpose Cutting Kit for Dremel Rotary Tools
- The Multipurpose Cutting Kit allows for sturdy, controlled cuts in a variety of materials including: drywall, laminate, fiberglass, plastic and vinyl siding.
565 Multipurpose Cutting Kit
- Easy screw-on mounting to rotary tool
- Large window provides excellent visibility for better control
- Control cuts in a variety of materials
- Multipurpose Cutting Guide attachment
- 560 Drywall Cutting Bits (2)
- Instructions
- 561 MultiPurpose Cutting Bit
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General shipping InformationKeywords: dremel, multipurpose, cutting, kit, 565, power tools, accessories, multi-purpose tool accessories, dremel rotary, accessory kits power tools, attachments, Dremel, Multipurpose, Cutting, Rotary, Tools, allows, sturdy, controlled, variety, materials, including, drywall, laminate, fiberglass, plastic, vinyl, siding
Description: Dremel 565 Multipurpose Cutting Kit for Dremel Rotary Tools. The Multipurpose Cutting Kit allows for sturdy, controlled cuts in a variety of materials including: drywall, laminate, fiberglass, plastic and vinyl siding.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Accessory Kits; Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Attachments
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 254212
MPN(s): 565