Dremel 231 Shaper / Router Table Attachment

Dremel 231 Shaper / Router Attachment for Dremel Rotary Tools
- Convert your Dremel into a bench mounted wood shaper
- Adjustable fence for versatile performance
- Slot, groove, shape, sand and trim edges
- Large, 8" x 6" worktable
- Attaches directly to workbench
231 Shaper/Router Attachment
Convert your corded rotary tool into a light-duty, bench-mounted precision wood shaper with the Dremel 231 Shaper/Router Table. With a smooth table surface, it performs slotting, edge trimming, grooving and sanding of conventional or irregular shapes. Also features easy to grip plastic knobs that include a screwdriver slot for easier tool assembly and depth adjustment.
- Flex Shaft attachment
- Square drive nut
- Instructions
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General shipping InformationKeywords: grinding, cutting, rotary, versatile, routing, drilling, sanding, drill, cut, carve, carving, shaping, hollowing, grooving, slotting, inlaying, accessory, attachment, multipurpose, versatility, shaper, power tools, accessories, multi-purpose tool accessories, dremel rotary, attachments, dremel, Dremel, Shaper, Router, Attachment, Rotary, Tools, Convert, bench, mounted, Adjustable, fence, performance, groove, shape, edges, Large, worktable, Attaches, directly, workbench
Description: Dremel 231 Shaper / Router Attachment for Dremel Rotary Tools. Convert your Dremel into a bench mounted wood shaper. Adjustable fence for versatile performance. Slot, groove, shape, sand and trim edges. Large, 8" x 6" worktable. Attaches directly to workbench.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Multi-Purpose Tool Accessories > Dremel Rotary > Attachments
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 254210
MPN(s): 231