Schluter DILEX-EKE Corner Movement Joint Profiles

DILEX-EKE Corner Movement Joint Profiles by Schluter Systems

$18.47 - $20.14

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Schluter DILEX-EKE Corner Movement Joint Profiles

  • Provides an attractive, clean, and maintenance-free alternative for inside wall corners and floor/wall transitions.
  • 2.5 m (8' 2-1/2") Length; 8 mm-20 mm (5/16"-3/4") Heights are available.
  • PVC anchoring legs; CPE movement zone.

Schluter DILEX-EKE Corner Movement Joint Profiles

Application and Function

Ceramic cove base represents a neat, hygienic method for treating transitions by providing a curved surface that prevents the collection of dirt and is easy to clean. However, the limited availability of ceramic trim pieces has resulted in the use of sealant and caulk to treat such transitions. These joints must be continually maintained throughout the life of the installation.

Schluter-DILEX cove-shaped profiles provide an attractive, clean, and maintenance-free alternative for inside wall corners and floor/wall (including countertop/ backsplash) transitions. They also allow the use of any tile line, regardless of the availability of trim pieces.

Schluter-DILEX-EKE features trapezoid-perforated anchoring legs, made of recycled rigid PVC, which are secured in the mortar bond coat.

The profile separates tile fields that met at inside corners and accommodates movement via the 3/16" (5 mm) wide soft chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) movement zone, which forms the visible surface and creates a discrete, uniform joint.

Schluter-DILEX-EKE prevents surface water penetration and features a tile pocket that hides cut tile edges. In addition, it prevents sound bridges, making it ideal for floor/wall transitions in sound-rated floors.

Available Sizes and Materials

*To complete the item number, add the color code (e.g., EKE U 8/O 7 GS)

Item No.
EKE U 8 / O 7 ...*
EKE U 9 / O 8 ...*
EKE U 11 / O 10 ...*
EKE U 13 / O 12 ...*
EKE U 15 / O 14 ...*


  1. Select Schluter-DILEX-EKE according to tile thickness. Profile height, "U", must allow insertion of the tile into the tile pocket; for example, select "U 11" for a tile thickness between approximately 5/16" (8 mm) and 3/8" (10 mm).
  2. Using a notched trowel, apply thin-set mortar over the area where the trapezoid-perforated anchoring legs will be placed.
  3. Press the perforated anchoring legs of profile into the mortar.
  4. Trowel additional thin-set mortar over the perforated anchoring legs to ensure full coverage and support of the tile edges.
  5. Insert tile into the tile pocket. Completely fill the remaining joint with grout or setting material.
  6. Set opposing tile, leaving a joint of approx. 1/16" - 1/8" (1.5 mm - 3 mm) between the tile and the profile. Fill the joint completely with grout or setting material.


Schluter-DILEX-EKE consists of trapezoidperforated anchoring legs made of recycled rigid PVC and a soft chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) movement zone, which is available in several colors.

In special cases, the suitability of a proposed type of profile must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical, and/or other stresses.

Schluter-DILEX-EKE is resistant to most chemicals encountered in tiled environments. The soft CPE movement zone is UV-resistant and can withstand exposure to weather. It is resistant to mold and bacteria and is, therefore, suitable use around food. The CPE material is resistant to a number of acids, alkalis, greases, and solvents.


Schluter-DILEX-EKE requires no special maintenance and is resistant to mold and bacteria. Clean profile using common household cleaning agents.

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