Schluter DILEX-EKSB Thinner Floor Surface Joint Movement Profiles

DILEX-EKSB Thinner Floor Surface Joint Movement Profiles by Schluter Systems

$99.14 - $108.94

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Schluter DILEX-EKSB Surface Movement Joint Profiles for Thinner Floor Coverings

  • Surface joint profile for thinner floor coverings.
  • 2.5 m (8' 2-1/2") Length; 2.5 mm-6 mm (3/32"-1/4") Heights are available
  • Available in Stainless Steel. 4 colors available for the visible rubber zone.

Schluter DILEX-EKSB Surface Movement Joint Profiles

Application and Function

Surface joints must be placed within the tiled surface regardless of substrate conditions. They provide stress relief from movements in the tile field due to thermal and moisture expansion/contraction and loading.

Schluter-DILEX-EKSB is a surface joint profile for thinner floor coverings with stainless stell anchoring legs and a 1/4" (6 mm)-wide, soft thermoplastic rubber movement zone that separates individual fields in the floor covering and forms the visible surface. The movement zone is available in 4 different colors.

Schluter-DILEX-EKSB is available in 3/32" (2.5 mm), 3/16" (4.5 mm), and 1/4" (6 mm) heights. DILEX-EKSB is appropriate for residential to medium-duty commercial applications.

Available Sizes and Materials

*To complete the item number, add the color code (e.g., EKSB 40 G)

H = Tile thickness Item Number
3/32" - 2.5 mm EKSB 25 +


3/16" - 4.5 mm EKSB 45 +


1/4" - 6 mm EKSB 60 +



Schluter-DILEX-EKSB is available with stainless steel anchoring legs. The profile features a non-replaceable thermoplastic rubber movement zone.

In special cases, the suitability of a proposed type of material must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical, and/or other stresses.

The thermoplastic rubber movement zones are resistant to most chemicals commonly encountered in tile environments.

The stainless steel anchoring legs are manufactured using 304 (1.4301 = V2A) stainless steel. Stainless steel can sustain high mechanical stresses and is especially well suited for applications requiring resistance against chemicals and acids.


Schluter-DILEX-EKSB requires no special maintenance and is resistant to mold and fungi. Clean profile using common household cleaning agents.

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