Schluter DILEX-BTO Expansion Movement Joint Profiles

DILEX-BTO Expansion Movement Joint Profiles by Schluter Systems

$130.37 - $138.46

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Schluter DILEX-BTO Floor/Wall Transition Expansion Joint Movement Profiles

  • Expansion Joint Profile that bridges expansion joints at floor/wall transitions and accommodates movement with the 1-3/16" (30 mm)-wide telescopic center.
  • 2.5 m (8' 2-1/2") Length; 8 mm-20 mm (5/16"-3/4") Heights are available
  • Made of Anodized Aluminum.

Schluter DILEX-BTO Floor/Wall Transition Expansion Joint Movement Profiles

Application and Function

Schluter-DILEX-BTO is a variation of DILEX-BT that is designed for floor/wall transitons.

Schluter-DILEX-BT is a maintenance-free, prefabricated movement profile used to bridge expansion joints.

Schluter-DILEX-BT features trapezoid-perforated anchoring legs, made of anodized aluminum, which are secured in the mortar bond coat and provide edge protection for adjacent tiles against mechanical stresses.

The anchoring legs can also be integrated into the mortar bed for other covering materials, such as carpeting or VCT. Therefore, the profile can move together with the respective covering assembly. The 1-3/16" (30 mm) wide telescopic center section absorbs movements of 7/32" (5 mm). The lateral pivot joints allow for the absorption of three-dimensional movement.

Schluter-DILEX-BT offers secure edge protection for surfaces exposed to foot traffic as well as vehicular traffic and is, therefore, suited for use in warehouses, production facilities, shopping centers, airports, train stations, and parking garages, or for coverings cleaned with machines.

Available Sizes and Materials / Item Number Chart

H = Tile thickness Item Number
5/16" - 8 mm AEBT80/O125
3/8" - 10 mm AEBT100/O125
1/2" - 12.5 mm AEBT125/O125
9/16" - 15 mm AEBT150/O125
11/16" - 17.5 mm AEBT175/O125
3/4" - 20 mm AEBT200/O125


  1. Select Schluter-DILEX-BT according to tile thickness.
  2. Using a notched trowel, apply thin-set mortar to the area where the tile covering will end.
  3. Press the perforated anchoring legs of the profile into the mortar and align. The profile must align directly with movement joints in the substrate below.
  4. Completely cover the perforated anchoring leg with thin-set mortar.
  5. Align the adjoining tiles and adjust in such a way that the upper lip of the profile is flush with the tile. Note: The profile should not be higher than the tile, but rather flush or up to approx. 1/32" (1 mm) lower. All tiles in the profile area must be ompletely set. Always lay the factory edge of the tile against the profile.
  6. The tile is set to the integrated joint spacer, which ensures a uniform joint of 1/16" - 1/8" (1.5 mm - 3 mm).
  7. Fill the joint cavity between the tile and the profile completely with grout or setting material; remove the protective foil.
  8. To install in a mortar screed, place a strip of mortar, divided by an insulating strip, on either side of the structural joint.

    8a. Apply a bond coat of thin-set mortar or a cement slurry coat over the mortar strips.

    8b. Set Schluter-DILEX-BT into the bond coat, align, and tap in.

    8c. Apply enough screed material so that the surface of the covering to be used is flush with the upper lip of the profile.

  9. Select the profile height to ensure the anchoring leg is covered by approx. 9/16" (15 mm) of screed.
  10. The installation of Schluter-DILEX-BT on wall and ceiling surfaces is essentially equivalent to floor applications.
  11. Schluter-DILEX-BTS can be inserted into existing joint spaces. The joints must be at least 1-3/4" (44 mm) wide and 3/8" (10 mm) deep. The lateral anchoring legs are adhered to the existing covering with a suitable adhesive (e.g., epoxy resin) or mechanically fastened to the covering with the appropriate screws.


Schluter-DILEX-BT is available in anodized aluminum.

In special cases, the suitability of a proposed type of profile must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical, and/or other stresses.

Schluter-DILEX-BT, in anodized aluminum, features an anodized layer that retains a uniform appearance during normal use. The surface, however, is susceptible to scratching and wear and may be damaged by grout or setting material. Cementitious materials, in conjunction with moisture, become alkaline. Since aluminum is sensitive to alkaline substances, exposure to the alkali (depending on concentration and duration of exposure) may result in corrosion (aluminum oxide formation). Therefore, it is important to remove mortar or grout residue immediately from visible surfaces. In addition, ensure that the profile is solidly embedded in the setting material and that all cavities are filled to prevent the collection of alkaline water.


Schluter-DILEX-BT requires no special maintenance or care and is resistant to mold and fungi. Clean profile using common household cleaning agents. The oxidation layer on aluminum can be removed by using a conventional polishing agent, but will form again. In the case of anodized aluminum, do not use abrasive cleaning agents. Damage to the anodized layer can be repaired by applying varnish.

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