Dynabrade 54018 1-1/4 Inch Non-Vacuum Rubber-Face Disc Pad

Dynabrade 54018 1-1/4" (32 mm) Diameter Mini-Dynorbital Disc Pad, Rubber-Face (Foam, Medium-Density, 1/4"-20 Female Thread)
Part # 54018 Max. RPM 12,000 Material Foam Density Medium Face Rubber Thread 1/4"-20 Female Compatible with angle-head and palm-style Mini-Dynorbital sanders.
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General shipping InformationKeywords: dynabrade, pad, disc, rubber, face, 1-1-4, inch, mini, dynorbital, 54018, 49400, 49401, 49402, 49403, 51410, 51411, 51412, 51415, 53400, 53401, 53402, 53415, 53417, 57500, 57502, 57503, 57504, abrasives, backup pads and protectors, for special sizes, Dynabrade, Diameter, Dynorbital, Rubber, Medium, Density, Female, Thread, Material, Compatible, angle, style, sanders
Description: Dynabrade 54018 1-1/4" (32 mm) Diameter Mini-Dynorbital Disc Pad, Rubber-Face (Foam, Medium-Density, 1/4"-20 Female Thread). Part #. 54018. Max. RPM. 12,000. Material. Foam. Density. Medium. Face. Rubber. Thread. 1/4"-20 Female. Compatible with angle-head and palm-style Mini-Dynorbital sanders.
Categories: Abrasives > Backup Pads and Protectors > For Special Sizes
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sanders
SKU(s): 268436
MPN(s): 54018