Bosch SDS Max Core Bit

Bosch SDS Max Core Bits
- Core bits with wave design go beyond the range of standard bits and allow smaller hammers to drill larger holes
- Bosch SDS-Max rotary hammer core bits are carbide tipped with an integral shank for better power transmission
- Maximum core size is 2-5/8 inches deep
- Drill bits in excess of 8 inch should never exceed 600 RPM
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General shipping InformationKeywords: craftsman, quality, german, drill, power tools, drill bits - hole saws, carbide hammer drill bits, bosch, Bosch, design, beyond, range, standard, allow, smaller, hammers, larger, holes, rotary, hammer, carbide, tipped, integral, shank, better, power, transmission
Description: Bosch SDS Max Core Bits. Core bits with wave design go beyond the range of standard bits and allow smaller hammers to drill larger holes. Bosch SDS-Max rotary hammer core bits are carbide tipped with an integral shank for better power transmission.
Categories: Power Tools > Drill Bits & Hole Saws > Carbide Hammer Drill Bits
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Drill Accessories > Drill Bits
SKU(s): 266793, 266794, 266795, 266796
MPN(s): HC8516, HC8517, HC8570, HC8580