Sia Foam Abrasive Dual Angle 4 Sided Block 10 Pack

Sia Foam Abrasive Dual Angle 4 Sided Block 10 Pack
Dual Angle Foam Block
3 7/8" x 3" x 1" foam with abrasive coating on 4 sides
Different Grits Available
Pack of 10
Sia Foam Abrasive Dual Angle 4-Sided Block - 10 Pack
- Dimensions: 3 7/8" x 3" x 1"
- Coating: 4-sided
- Shape: Dual Angled Block
- Abrasive: Aluminum Oxide
- Sanding of paint, filler and old varnish
- Keying of wood, metal or plastic before painting
- Hard Density - Different grits available
- Can Get Into Tight Spaces
- Excellent for Corner Edges
Available Grades
- Medium Hard-Density
- Fine Hard-Density
- Superfine Hard-Density
Grit Specification
- Coarse - 36 grit
- Medium - 60 grit
- Fine - 100 grit
- Superfine - 180 grit
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General shipping InformationKeywords: foam, abrasive, dixon, ekamant, wurth, hanlan, kimball midwest, flexifoam, abraflex, keystone, 0498-0882-0100, block, dual angle, dual angle block, coated, sponge, fine, coarse, grades, hard, mirka, norton, klingspor, 10 pack, abrasives, sponge abrasives, blocks and pads, sia, Abrasive, Angle, Sided, Block, coating, sides, Different, Grits, Available
Description: Sia Foam Abrasive Dual Angle 4 Sided Block 10 Pack. Dual Angle Foam Block. 3 7/8" x 3" x 1" foam with abrasive coating on 4 sides. Different Grits Available. Pack of 10.
Categories: Abrasives > Sponge Abrasives > Blocks and Pads
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Sanding Blocks
SKU(s): 259190, 259191, 259193
MPN(s): N41003M/250, N41005M/250, N41008M/250