Rubi Frankfurt Abrasive Stone Support for Rubilim

Rubi Frankfurt Abrasive Stone Support
- Support Adaptable to Rubilim-40-NDS/50-NDS
- Allows Frankfurt Stones to be Fixed
- Support 40 or Support 50
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: adaptable, stones, fixed, abrasives, backup pads and protectors, for special sizes power tools, accessories, sander accessories, floor sander accessories, rubi, Frankfurt, Abrasive, Stone, Support, Adaptable, Rubilim, Allows, Stones, Fixed, Quantity
Description: Rubi Frankfurt Abrasive Stone Support . Support Adaptable to Rubilim-40-NDS/50-NDS. Allows Frankfurt Stones to be Fixed. Support 40 or Support 50. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Sander Accessories > Floor Sander Accessories; Abrasives > Backup Pads and Protectors > For Special Sizes
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 261530, 261531
MPN(s): 60964, 60965