Rubi Waxes Porous Surface 1st Application

Rubi Waxes Porous Surface 1st Application
- Long-Lasting Self-Shining Polish
- Excellent Resistance to Wear and an Optimum Shine
- Prevents Dirt from Entering Material
- Brings out Natural Color of Floor
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference WAXES FOR POROUS SURF. 0.2 GL (1 L.)1ST. 20980 WAXES FOR POROUS SURF. 1.1 GL (5 L.) 1ST. 20981 WAXES FOR POROUS SURF. 6,6 GL (25 L.)1ST. 21957 WAXES FOR POROUS SURF. 13.2 GL (50 L.) 1ST. 21958
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General shipping InformationKeywords: polish, clean, rubi, wax, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, cleaning - protection compounds, Waxes, Porous, Surface, Application, Lasting, Shining, Polish, Excellent, Resistance, Optimum, Shine, Prevents, Entering, Material, Brings, Natural, Color, Floor, Quantity
Description: Rubi Waxes Porous Surface 1st Application . Long-Lasting Self-Shining Polish. Excellent Resistance to Wear and an Optimum Shine. Prevents Dirt from Entering Material. Brings out Natural Color of Floor. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Cleaning & Protection Compounds
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 261390, 261391, 261392, 261393
MPN(s): 20980, 20981, 21957, 21958