Rubi Paint Remover

Rubi Paint Remover
- Solvent-Based Paint Stripping Product
- Removes Epoxy and Polyurethane
- Suitable for Treating Paint Stains on any Surface
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference PAINT REMOVER 0.2 GL (1 L.) 20955 PAINT REMOVER 6,6 GL (25 L.) 20976 PAINT REMOVER 13.2 GL (50 L.) 21936 PAINT REMOVER 26.4GL (100 L.) 21937 PAINT REMOVER 52.9 GL (200 L.) 21938
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General shipping InformationKeywords: remover, paint, stripping, solvent-based, hand tools - equipment, tile tools, cleaning - protection compounds, rubi, Paint, Remover, Solvent, Based, Stripping, Product, Removes, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Suitable, Treating, Stains, Surface, Quantity
Description: Rubi Paint Remover . Solvent-Based Paint Stripping Product. Removes Epoxy and Polyurethane. Suitable for Treating Paint Stains on any Surface. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Hand Tools & Equipment > Tile Tools > Cleaning & Protection Compounds
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories
SKU(s): 261358, 261359, 261360, 261361, 261362
MPN(s): 20955, 20976, 21936, 21937, 21938