Rubi Replacement Halogen Lamp

Rubi Replacement Halogen Lamp
- 500 W - 230 V - 50/60 HZ
- Type R7's Working Life of 2000 Hours
- Suitable for L-0, L-1, TL-1, and TL-2 Halogen Lamps and Other Brands
- Quantity: 1
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General shipping InformationKeywords: lamp, halogen, power tools, jobsite tools, lights, rubi, Replacement, Halogen, Working, Hours, Suitable, Lamps, Other, Brands, Quantity
Description: Rubi Replacement Halogen Lamp. 500 W - 230 V - 50/60 HZ. Type R7's Working Life of 2000 Hours. Suitable for L-0, L-1, TL-1, and TL-2 Halogen Lamps and Other Brands. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Jobsite Tools > Lights
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Flashlights
SKU(s): 261155
MPN(s): 71934