Rubi Hard Materials Wet Laser Cut

Rubi Hard Materials Wet Laser Cut Venom Wet Laser Cut
- Blade Recommended for Hard Materials
- Use on Granite or Slate less than 1" Thickness
- SUPERPRO: Excellent Cutting Performance
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
Name Reference Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Segment Thickness Venom 4 1/2" (125 mm.) Continuous Rim 7/8" & 5/8" Arbor Hole, Wet & Dry. 31951 4 1/2" 1" 3/32" Venom 7 " (180 mm.) Continuous Rim 7/8" & 5/8" Arbor Hole, Wet. 31960 7 " 1 " 3/32" Venom 10" (250 mm.) Continuous Rim 1" & 5/8" Arbor Hole, Wet. 31961 10" 1" 3/32"
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General shipping InformationKeywords: rubi, diamond, venom, porcelain, granite, slate, blade, saw, power tools, blades, circular saw blades, Materials, Laser, Venom, Blade, Recommended, Granite, Slate, Thickness, SUPERPRO, Excellent, Cutting, Performance, Quantity
Description: Rubi Hard Materials Wet Laser Cut Venom Wet Laser Cut. Blade Recommended for Hard Materials. Use on Granite or Slate less than 1" Thickness. SUPERPRO: Excellent Cutting Performance. Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Blades > Circular Saw Blades
Google Category: Hardware > Hardware Accessories > Tool Storage & Organization
SKU(s): 272922, 272923, 272924
MPN(s): 31951, 31960, 31961