Sia 1820 Siamet PSA Disc 5 Inch

Sia 1820 Siamet PSA Disc 5 x NH 40-150 Grit Box of 50 or 100
- Excellent Surface Quality in Fine Grit Range
- All-Around Product for Light Metal Application
- Ideal Grit and Paper Combination
- 40 & 60 Grit: 50 per Box
- 80, 100, 120, & 150 Grit: 100 per Box
- Surface Treatment
- Treatment of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
- Flat Grinding of Sheets
- Grinding Down the Melting Drops of Laser Cuttings
- Removal of Rust, Black Scale and Contamination
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General shipping InformationKeywords: abrasive, disc, siamet, sia, abrasives, sanding, polishing, abrasives abrasives, sanding - grinding discs, psa sanding discs, 05 inch discs abrasives, 06 inch discs, Siamet, Excellent, Surface, Quality, Range, Around, Product, Light, Metal, Application, Ideal, Paper, Combination
Description: Sia 1820 Siamet PSA Disc 5 x NH 40-150 Grit Box of 50 or 100. Excellent Surface Quality in Fine Grit Range. All-Around Product for Light Metal Application. Ideal Grit and Paper Combination. 40 & 60 Grit: 50 per Box. 80, 100, 120, & 150 Grit: 100 per Box.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > PSA Sanding Discs > 05 Inch Discs; Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > PSA Sanding Discs > 06 Inch Discs; Abrasives
Google Category: Hardware > Tools
SKU(s): 264028, 264029, 264030, 264034, 264035, 264036
MPN(s): 5971.2382.0040, 5971.2382.0060, 5971.2382.0080, 5971.2382.0100, 5971.2382.0120, 5971.2382.0150