Rubi Mitring Replacement Flanges

Rubi Set of Deck for Special Mitering Cuts for tools DS-250/300/350, DW/DV/DC/DX-250, and DX-350
- Each Model is a replacement set for a particular model series
- Create Cuts in Mitering Judge
- Able to do Cuts up to 5 1/8"
- Quantity: 1
Available Options
SET OF DECK FOR MITRING CUTS for DS-250 and DS-300 57990 SET OF DECK FOR MITRING CUTS for DS-300 y DX-350 51915 SET OF DECK FOR MITRING CUTS for DW-N/NL 57991 SET OF DECK for DX-350 / 350-L 54939 If your model shows as "delayed", i.e. 54939, item must come from Spain first 6-8 weeks
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General shipping InformationKeywords: rubi, 57991, 57990, 51915, 54939, saw, mitre, ds-250, ds-300, dx-350, mitring, mitering, power tools, accessories, saw accessories, tile saw accessories, Special, Mitering, tools, Model, replacement, particular, model, series, Create, Judge, Quantity
Description: Rubi Set of Deck for Special Mitering Cuts for tools DS-250/300/350, DW/DV/DC/DX-250, and DX-350. Each Model is a replacement set for a particular model series. Create Cuts in Mitering Judge. Able to do Cuts up to 5 1/8". Quantity: 1.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Saw Accessories > Tile Saw Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Tools > Saws
SKU(s): 260324, 260325, 260326, 260327
MPN(s): 51915, 54939, 57990, 57991