Mirka Royal Micro 5 Inch Discs 1000 Grit

This product has been replaced by the following product:
Sia Siaspeed Hook Loop 5 Inch Discs Fine Grits 800 - 1500

Sia Siaspeed Hook Loop 5 Inch Discs Fine Grits 800 - 1500
- SIA Abrasives Hook and Loop Siafast Discs
- 5 Inch Fine Grits 800 - 1500
- Flexible film backing - superior grit performance
- Box of 50 Discs
Mirka Royal Micro 5 Inch Discs 1000 Grit
- State-of-the-art Progressive Bond coated abrasives bonding technology.
- Grit for grit, the finest finishing disc available.
- Unmatched load resistance.
- Flexible like no other - yet tough, with super edge wear.
- Full resin bonding for strength and durability and a special non-loading stearate.
5" Grip Royal Sanding Discs 1000 Grit Hook and Loop 50 DISCS PER BOX
Grip Royal Sanding Discs Hook and Loop
Grain Aluminum oxide Bonding Resin over resin, Progressive Bond™ Backing 80-150, D; 180, C; 220-1500 B weights Coating Semi-open Colour Natural Yellow Grit range P80-150, P180, P220-1500
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General shipping InformationKeywords: abrasive, abrasives, aluminum, cut, disc, discs, disk, grip, grit, hook, inch, loop, mirka, natural, oxide, paper, premium, progressive, psa, resin, royal, sanding, yellow, sanding - grinding discs, hook - loop sanding discs, 05 inch discs, mirka abrasives, Mirka, Royal, Micro, Discs, State, Progressive, coated, bonding, technology, finest, finishing, available, Unmatched, resistance, Flexible, other, tough, super, strength, durability, special, loading, stearate
Description: Mirka Royal Micro 5 Inch Discs 1000 Grit. State-of-the-art Progressive Bond coated abrasives bonding technology. Grit for grit, the finest finishing disc available. Unmatched load resistance. Flexible like no other - yet tough, with super edge wear. Full resin bonding for strength and durability and a special non-loading stearate.
Categories: Abrasives > Sanding & Grinding Discs > Hook & Loop Sanding Discs > 05 Inch Discs
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories > Sanding Accessories > Sandpaper & Sanding Sponges
SKU(s): 169550, 169551, 169552
MPN(s): 25-622-1000, 25-622-1200, 25-622-1500