Bosch WD7RIP Worm Drive Rip Fence

Bosch WD7RIP Worm Drive Rip Fence
- Sales Pack Quantity: 1
- Used on all Bosch Worm Drive Circular Saw Foot Plates (including CS10 & CS20, but excluding 1600 Series)
- Manufactured by Bosch
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General shipping InformationKeywords: worm, rip fence, power tools, accessories, saw accessories, circular saw accessories, bosch, Bosch, WD7RIP, Drive, Fence, Sales, Quantity, Circular, Plates, including, excluding, Series, Manufactured
Description: Bosch WD7RIP Worm Drive Rip Fence. Sales Pack Quantity: 1. Used on all Bosch Worm Drive Circular Saw Foot Plates (including CS10 & CS20, but excluding 1600 Series). Manufactured by Bosch.
Categories: Power Tools > Accessories > Saw Accessories > Circular Saw Accessories
Google Category: Hardware > Tool Accessories
SKU(s): 253733